Computer Languages

Most of the documents here are related to computer programming.

The ECL Language

These documents are related to ECL and the HPCC from HPCCSystems. It should be noted that whilst I am one of the architects of the HPCC and the inventor of the ECL language the documents below are mine and mine only; they do not state a position of HPCCSystems and are not endorsed by them.

Programming Philosophy

These older documents are flavoured towards programming in the Clarion environment. Clarion is a 4th Generation RAD tool that I worked upon for the best part of the nineties. It is available from Soft Velocity and is just about unbeatable for application level programming.

Notes on my particular approach to programming (and life!)

Perl Programs

Here are some links to some Perl programs that may be of use. If you think you could use any of the code let me know and I'll send it to you:


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